Measuring and Mitigating Disparity of Decision-Making Tools

Ben Brintz

Division of Epidemiology

What do I mean by decision-making tools?

  • Any system, algorithm, model, or process that automates or supplements decisions
  • Clinical prediction, finance, employment, and law enforcement
  • Output is most commonly a risk probability (0,1) or a score (Decision?)


Disadvantaged/Sensitive groups are often included as features in models but ignored when assessing the performance of these tools

There is some controversy surrounding the eGFR equation

There is some controversy surrounding the eGFR equation


There is some controversy surrounding the eGFR equation



There is some controversy surrounding the eGFR equation




The NKF and ASN have since recommended removal of race from the equation
  • Acknowledged race is a social concept
    • i.e., it’s a system to classify individuals rather than reflect biology
  • Does removal of race reduce performance of the decision-making tool?

It depends on how you’re measuring performance

Performance metrics are a trade-off

The developer of a tool can choose to emphasize one metric over another

And the choice of metric could be predictive performance or fairness or you could consider both

Some fairness metrics are more well known than others

\[\begin{align*} \text{Statistical Parity} &= P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=a) \\ &= P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=b) \end{align*}\]

\[\begin{align*} \text{Equalized Odds} &= P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=a,Y=1) \\ &= P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=b,Y=1) \end{align*}\]

\[\begin{align*} \text{Predictive Parity} &= P(Y=1|\widehat{Y}=1,A=a) \\ &= P(Y=1|\widehat{Y}=1,A=b) \end{align*}\]

\[\begin{align*} \text{Balance for the Positive Class} &= E(S|Y=1,A=a) \\ &=E(S|Y=1,A=b) \end{align*}\]

I’m going to apply these metrics to the COMPAS data

  • A landmark dataset to study algorithmic fairness in recidivism prediction
  • You can access this data in R through the fairness package


I’m going to apply these metrics to the COMPAS data

   Two_yr_Recidivism Number_of_Priors Age_Above_FourtyFive Age_Below_TwentyFive
4                 no       -0.6843578                   no                   no
5                yes        2.2668817                   no                   no
7                 no       -0.6843578                   no                   no
11                no       -0.6843578                   no                   no
14                no       -0.6843578                   no                   no
24                no       -0.6843578                   no                   no
   Female Misdemeanor        ethnicity probability predicted
4    Male         yes            Other   0.3151557         0
5    Male          no        Caucasian   0.8854616         1
7  Female         yes        Caucasian   0.2552680         0
11   Male          no African_American   0.4173908         0
14   Male         yes         Hispanic   0.3200982         0
24   Male         yes            Other   0.3151557         0

Measuring fairness can take just a few lines of code

a=compas %>% group_by(Female) %>% summarize(`Statistical Parity`=mean(predicted))

b=compas %>% filter(Two_yr_Recidivism=="yes") %>% group_by(Female) %>% summarize(`Equalized Odds`=mean(predicted))

c=compas %>% filter(predicted==1) %>% group_by(Female) %>% summarize('Predictive Parity'=mean(Two_yr_Recidivism=="yes"))

d=compas %>% filter(Two_yr_Recidivism=="yes") %>% group_by(Female) %>% summarize('Balance for the Positive Class'=mean(probability))

Measuring fairness can take just a few lines of code

a=compas %>% group_by(Sex=Female) %>% summarize(`Statistical Parity`=mean(predicted))

b=compas %>% filter(Two_yr_Recidivism=="yes") %>% group_by(Female) %>% summarize(`Equalized Odds`=mean(predicted)) %>% select(-Female)

c=compas %>% filter(predicted==1) %>% group_by(Female) %>% summarize('Predictive Parity'=mean(Two_yr_Recidivism=="yes"))%>% select(-Female)

d=compas %>% filter(Two_yr_Recidivism=="yes") %>% group_by(Female) %>% summarize('Balance for the Positive Class'=mean(probability))%>% select(-Female)

cbind(a,b,c,d) %>% knitr::kable() 
Sex Statistical Parity Equalized Odds Predictive Parity Balance for the Positive Class
Male 0.5069041 0.6794658 0.6427161 0.5902647
Female 0.2221277 0.3753027 0.5938697 0.4567142
But choosing a metric can be complicated

Many sources of bias can cause the disparate impact observed by these metrics

Data Bias Definition Main Cause Impact on AI
Selection Bias Certain groups are over/under-represented Biased data collection process AI models may not be representative, leading to biased decisions
Sampling Bias Data are not a random sample Incomplete or biased sampling Poor generalization to new data, biased predictions
Labeling Bias Errors in data labeling Annotators’ biases or societal stereotypes AI models learn and perpetuate biased labels
Temporal Bias Historical societal biases Outdated data reflecting past biases AI models may reinforce outdated biases
Aggregation Bias Data combined from multiple sources Differing biases in individual sources AI models may produce skewed outcomes due to biased data
Historical Bias Training data reflect past societal biases Biases inherited from historical societal discrimination Model may perpetuate historical biases and reinforce inequalities
Measurement Bias Errors or inaccuracies in data collection Data collection process introduces measurement errors Model learns from flawed data, leading to inaccurate predictions
Confirmation Bias Focus on specific patterns or attributes Data collection or algorithmic bias towards specific features Model may overlook relevant information and reinforce existing biases
Proxy Bias Indirect reliance on sensitive attributes Use of correlated proxy variables instead of sensitive attributes Model indirectly relies on sensitive information, leading to biased outcomes
Cultural Bias Data reflect cultural norms and values Cultural influences in data collection or annotation Model predictions may be biased for individuals from different cultural backgrounds
Under-representation Bias Certain groups are significantly underrepresented Low representation of certain groups in the training data Model performance is poorer for underrepresented groups
Homophily Bias Predictions based on similarity between instances Tendency of models to make predictions based on similarity Model may reinforce existing patterns and exacerbate biases

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?

  • Pre-Processing - modifying your training data
  • In-Processing - modifying the training process
  • Post-Processing - modifying the output of the model
  • Regularization-Based - modifying the model itself

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


This is done by modifying your training data before model training

One example is using the Disparate Impact Remover

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


This is done by modifying your training data before model training

One example is using the Disparate Impact Remover

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


Other examples include methods such as reweighting or re-sampling.

These methods primarily address bias in the training data but could be used to target certain fairness metrics.

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


  • Adversarial Training trains a classifier and an adversary model in parallel
  • Classifier is trained to predict the task at hand
  • Adversary is trained to exploit a bias.
  • When trained against one another, one can develop a fair model that is simultaneously a strong classifier. \[L = L_{\text{task}} - \lambda L_{\text{adv}}\]

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


Threshold Optimization for Equalized Odds (COMPAS) \[\begin{align*} P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=a,Y=1) = P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=b,Y=1) \end{align*}\]

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


Threshold Optimization for Equalized Odds (COMPAS) \[\begin{align*} P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=a,Y=1) = P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=b,Y=1) \end{align*}\]

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


Threshold Optimization for Equalized Odds (COMPAS) \[\begin{align*} P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=a,Y=1) = P(\widehat{Y}=1|A=b,Y=1) \end{align*}\]

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


And other approaches:

  • Calibration Post-Processing
  • Reject Option Classification (abstain in high fairness concern cases)
  • Equalized Odds Post-Processing (Adjust model predictions to ensure EO)

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


  • Tries to minimize the negative log likelihood of the model
  • But also includes a penalty enforcing a concept of fairness

E.g. take a logistic regression model

log_likelihood <- function(beta, X, Y) {
  logit <- as.matrix(X) %*% beta
  p <- plogis(logit)
  logLL=-(sum(Y * log(p) + (1 - Y) * log(1 - p))) # Negative Log-likehood

How can we mitigate the effect of biases on decision making tools?


  • Tries to minimize the negative log likelihood of the model
  • But also includes a penalty enforcing a concept of fairness

E.g. take a logistic regression model and add a penalty term

log_likelihood <- function(beta, X, Y,A,lam1=1) {
  logit <- as.matrix(X) %*% beta
  p <- plogis(logit)
  pA1=p[which(A=="F" & Y==1)] # probability of being positive given A="F"
  pA0=p[which(A=="M" & Y==1)] # probability of being positive given A="M"
  pen1=abs(mean(pA1)-mean(pA0)) # How different are the probabilities on average? 
  logLL=-(sum(Y * log(p) + (1 - Y) * log(1 - p))) # Add the penalty term
  logLL + lam1*log(pen1) 

Final Thoughts

  • Cross-validation is a great tool to assess the performance/fairness of a model and tune hyperparameters
  • But prospective External Validation is still necessary
  • It is important to consider the effect on subgroups and consider the trade-offs between fairness and predictive performance in certain tools



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  2. Makhlouf K, Zhioua S, Palamidessi C. Machine learning fairness notions: Bridging the gap with real-world applications. Information Processing & Management. 2021 Sep 1;58(5):102642.

  3. Yang J, Soltan AA, Eyre DW, Yang Y, Clifton DA. An adversarial training framework for mitigating algorithmic biases in clinical machine learning. NPJ digital medicine. 2023 Mar 29;6(1):55.